Planning: 3000 Miles Marathon

Planning the trip was the easiest part. All I needed to ensure is that I don’t drive more than 6 hours per day, because, otherwise, it will be too much. I could not equally distribute daily driving duration because there isn’t always a decent livable place at the exact mark. I had much trouble in finding a decent town in South Dakota, there aren’t many that falls on I-90, but, I managed to find one called Kadoka, which is almost an anagram of Dakota! Other than that, it was pretty simple: find a town near I-90, and find an airbnb there. Interstate 90 (I-90) is the longest interstate highway that connects Massachusetts and Washington, from east to west. When I drove through I-90 during my stay at Washington, I could never believe that this is the same I-90 I drive in Massachusetts. Now is the time to actually verify it!

I planned to stay 2 days at Minnesota as it is kind of the middle of the trip, so I could use an extra day for resting and recharging (and perhaps do some laundry!). I am planning to meet my friend Jahid there, so booked a nice airbnb near Madison Lake. I am also planning to do a little bit of sightseeing on my way, perhaps Mount Rushmore, Badlands National Park, and Niagara Falls, but it all will depend on how I feel after the marathon drives! The other thing I made sure is the condition of the car: I changed the tires, drive belts, brake fluids etc. to make sure that the car is in good shape and will not just break (hopefully!) in the middle of the trip. I even did an interior detailing so that I feel good about staying inside the car during the entire trip. One small thing that really made me happy is when the car service consultant said, “It's ready to go to the west!” At that time, I felt like, finally it is happening!