
Today was a stop day. I didn't plan to make any progress in moving towards Washington. The plan was to spend another day at Minnesota, visit Duluth, and do some sightseeing with Jahid. Unfortunately, (or fortunately for Jahid?) we had to turn around mid-way. I dropped Jahid off to his place and came back to Madison Lake. He did promise me a Hawaii trip should the day turns out to be indeed lucky for him eventually! The day, however, was nicely spent. I got a nice view of the city of Minneapolis on my way towards Duluth. Minneapolis is a decently large city with lots of skyscrapers. I spent the evening planning for the next day's trip towards South Dakota. So far, the plan is to visit Badlands National Park.

I woke up really early with an amazing view of the Madison Lake. It was very peaceful and clam.

When I come back from the day trip in the afternoon, I took a short video of the lake. The wind felt really nice and the temperature was perfect.